Off Watch Podcast
All things traditional sailing with Jess & Hannah! Grab a cuppa and explore the industry with us!
Off Watch Podcast
Episode 2: Is HMS Victory Trigger's broom?
This week Jess and Hannah discuss traineeships - a great way to get into the industry although there are things to consider. They're joined by fellow trainees and together they share their experiences. Jess and Hannah are also joined by the CEO of Seas Your Future, an organisation that focuses on training young people with multiple skills onboard their ship Pelican of London. Finally we hear the latest news from the industry.
*Please Note: Jess states the wrong date in the section talking about former SHTP1 Trainee, Gabriel - the correct date is 2021, not 2001 (My bad! - Jess)
Emily: Insta: @em_andrews_
Meshellae: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meshellae-payne-0a358ab1/
Sean: Insta: @shipwreck_sean
Pelican of London / Seas Your Future: https://www.seasyourfuture.org/
National Maritime Museum - Cutty Sark: https://www.rmg.co.uk/national-maritime-museum
National Museum of the Royal Navy: https://www.nmrn.org.uk/
Scottish Fisheries Museum: https://www.scotfishmuseum.org/
Glenlee Museum: https://thetallship.com/
RSS Discovery: https://www.rrsdiscovery.co.uk/
Oosterschelde: https://www.dutchtallship.com/oosterschelde/
Eye of Wind: https://www.eyeofthewind.net/en/
Lynher: https://tamarbarge.org.uk/
Pellew / Working Sail: https://www.workingsail.co.uk/pellew
Lady Daphne: https://www.lady-daphne.co.uk/
Blue Mermaid: https://seachangesailingtrust.org.uk/blue-mermaid/
Training organisations:
Class Afloat: https://classafloat.com/
Shipshape Heritage Training Partnership - National Historic Ships: https://www.nationalhistoricships.org.uk/SHTP2
IBTC Lowestoft: https://www.ibtc.co.uk/
Women in Boatbuilding:
(Insta) @womeninboatbuilding
Listen to two passionate traditional sailors talk about the subject they love and have a laugh at the same time!
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