Off Watch Podcast
All things traditional sailing with Jess & Hannah! Grab a cuppa and explore the industry with us!
Off Watch Podcast
Episode 3: Blood, Sweat & Tears
This week Jess and Hannah manage to get off their grubby old ship and explore the world of volunteering. It’s part and parcel of our industry and part of learning, getting a foot in the door, of networking; but what are the pros and cons? We speak to some of the volunteers our sector so heavily relies on and the organisations that depend on them, to get the low down.
In our first 'Off Watch On Location' road trip, we visit the Britannia Sailing Trust, located in Devon and we catch up once more with Adrian Ragbourne of Seas Your Future to get their takes on volunteering. Later in the show we share the incredible story of Mary Anne Pattern and announce a very exciting partnership between the Off Watch Podcast and Lloyds Register Foundation!
Sam, Vicky, Seb & Abi / Britannia Sailing Trust: https://britanniasailingtrust.org/
Adrian Ragbourne / Seas Your Future: https://www.seasyourfuture.org/
Nicola Good / Lloyds Register Group: https://www.lr.org/
Emilie Sandy / She_Sees: http://www.emiliesandy.com
Louise Sanger / Heritage & Education Centre, LRF: http://www.hec.lrfoundation.org.uk
Erna Janine / She_Sees: https://www.freeweaver.co.uk/about-us/
Rewriting Women in Maritime History Project
Dame Ellen MacArthur
Eye of Wind: https://www.eyeofthewind.net/en/
Lynher: https://tamarbarge.org.uk/
Pilgrim of Brixham: https://pilgrimofbrixham.org.uk/
Britannia: https://britanniasailingtrust.org/
Queen Galadriel: https://www.cirdantrust.org/
Listen to two passionate traditional sailors talk about the subject they love and have a laugh at the same time!
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Listen to two passionate traditional sailors talk about the subject they love and have a laugh at the same time!
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